Archive for October, 2007

How stupid do you have to be?

October 15, 2007

This started out a very different post. It originally started life as a post about a stupid pally. Unfortunately it turned into a post about a short term decision by someone I trusted to do better.

First, the pally:

So we had this pally in our guild whom we tolerated for a long while. About the only person in the whole guild that we did tolerate. We tolerated him for a number of reasons:

1. He was a healer. Not as good a healer as he thought he was, but more often than not his healing assignment lived. Mostly. (more…)

Am I addicted to driving my car?

October 5, 2007

car.JPGI like driving my car. I need to drive my car to get to places. Are people lining up to create an addiction to cars? Not being over 100 years old I wasn’t around when cars were first delivered to the mass market. However back when cars were first delivered to the mass market, life was tougher. People had jobs that actually produced things and kept them occupied. They slaved away in factories, created things, grew things, sold things. There weren’t anywhere near the number of experts or people with jobs whose main function seems to be poking their nose into other people’s business. (more…)